Friday, December 1, 2023

December 2023 Challenge: Happy HOLIDAYS

 Welcome to the SRTT Lou Happy Holidays December monthly challenge!

December is a busy, cold, dark month so we are hoping this fun challenge will help with accountability and be a fun way to reflect on 2023, as well as look forward to 2024!
The theme is “Happy Holidays” and here are the rules:
📷 Each letter in the words “HAPPY HOLIDAYS” represents a mini-challenge below!
📷 You MUST work through the mini-challenges IN ORDER! This means your first challenge will be the “H” in “happy” followed by the “A”, etc, etc. Your goal is to complete the whole challenge (all the letters) by the end of the month!
📷 Lastly, post as you complete a letter and have fun with it! We all love pictures and creative/fun ones even more!
H: HIGH FIVE - Give a virtual high-five/shout-out on the group page to another SRTT member.
A: ALONE - Actively soak up some alone time during your workout (and post about it after)
P: PAL - Run/walk with a pal (in-person or virtual) - Tour De Ville and other group run events are a perfect opportunity for this one.
P: PROTEIN - We all know protein is important so be sure to get in your protein and share with the group.
Y: YOU DECIDE - Post something noteworthy about your workout (why it was a good workout, something you realized or thought about, etc), or decide what color you want to wear…totally up to you what you want to do/share for this one.
H: HEAD TO TOE - Complete a total body workout and post about it.
O: ONWARD - What is/are your fitness goals for 2024? Share one or all in the group.
L: LOOP - Run/walk a route that involves more than 1 loop. Seneca Park is a great place for this.
I: INSIDE - Complete a workout inside.
D: DECORATIONS - Pass by some holiday decorations during your run. Snap a pic and share after.
A: APPRECIATE - Post 1 thing related to running/fitness that you were appreciative of in 2023.
Y: YOURSELF - While exercising, think about your proudest accomplishment this year. Share it (and your workout) with the group.
S - STRETCH - Most of us wish we prioritized it better. Take some time to do a purposeful full body stretch!
And as always, feel free to share any December goals you might have! Have fun!
May be a graphic of christmas tree and text
All reactions:
You, Sherry, Karin and 16 others

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